Stone Luck

Story by Michael Seguin
Photography by Jose Ed Ramirez

If I can rudely insert myself into the story, I’d like to point out that—as a Writer for Windsor Life Magazine past six-odd years—very few interviews still surprise me.

Stone Luck found a way: “Hello!” Vince Shepley answers the phone. “This is Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, Kurt Cobain, and Trent Reznor. How can we help you?”

Stone Luck is a local original and cover band consisting of Tom Watson (Lead Vocalist and Guitar), Joe Maurovic (Drummer), Riccardo Santia (Bass and Vocals) and Vince Shepley (Guitar & Vocals). 

The band was formed the way most bands are formed—with a pair of bored musicians sitting around. 

“Joe and I were sitting on our hands, so to speak,” Vince recalls. “And we realized that we weren’t getting any younger. So, we decided to start a band!”

Tom Watson was the first musician they recruited to their new enterprise.

Stone Luck members (l-r): Riccardo Santia, Vince Shepley, Tom Watson, Joe Maurovic.

“He was relatively unknown when we discovered him,” Vince states. “He’s our little diamond-in-the-rough. He was keeping to himself, but he’s a true musician. He’s been writing songs forever. We ran into him and the rest is history.” 

Next, they poached Riccardo, who had already built something of a name for himself across the country.

“Joe is the most ambitious in the group,” Vince states. “He’s a founding member of Timeline. He’s traveled all over Canada with the Kiss tribute band Destroyer.”  

And so Stone Luck.

While many of us are not musicians, everyone understands the importance of a well-honed group dynamic. How the push and pull of personalities can either lead to harmony or tragedy. How you can either come together towards a common goal or pull each other apart.

Stone Luck, however, is a band in every sense of the word. The four musicians have a true collaborative spirit, resulting in a wholly unique sound.

“There’s a true brotherhood here,” Vince explains. “Not one of us is a virtuoso. There’s no Eddie Van Halen or Neil Peart here. We’re a band. We play and perform as a band.  We’re wide open with each other. We’re able to say to each other, ‘Hey, you messed up here.’ We’re able to recognize our own weak links. And otherwise, our chain is fully united.”

Stone Luck credits their age with bringing them this close.

“We’re more mature than a lot of bands,” Vince admits. “Maybe a 22-year-old would go ballistic if you tell them they’re a hair out of tune, but we won’t. And we’ve seen other bands succumb to drama—where it’s all about the guitar player or the singer or whoever. We don’t have that. It’s all about what we’re doing as a collective. There’s no ego in the band. We just get along with each other.” 

Stone Luck has been lighting up Windsor for years now. They describe themselves as a band that has mastered “both sides of the coin.” They’re able to play the usual crowd-pleasing favourites, as well as their own original music. 

And for Stone Luck, nothing compares to the sensation of standing atop a stage.

“For me, it’s the most natural high you can get,” Vince states. “It’s an absolute blast. It’s the culmination of all the work you put in during the day.”

“There’s no better feeling than seeing everyone having a good time and appreciating your music,” Joe admits.

“It’s like we’re flying and the crowd is coming right along with us,” Tom explains.

Riccardo is more succinct: “Adrenaline rush.”

Vince laughs at Riccardo’s statement.

“If you ask around Windsor, you’ll quickly hear something funny about Riccardo,” he states. “That he’s the guy with the most energy. He never stops moving! And that’s because he’s a world-renowned boxer! If you Google his name, he comes up in Japan as a trainer. He’s also a well-known Massage Therapist with a practice in Tecumseh.” 

Which brings up an interesting point. As with almost all musicians, the Stone Luck crew has day jobs. But what’s interesting about them is how the skills they’ve developed in their “civilian identities” have contributed to their success.

“Tom is a Vice President of Sales,” Vince explains. “Joe has been a Business Owner. Riccardo also teaches at the college in his spare time. And I’m a Director of Procurement. Together, the skills we bring to the table are collectively salesmanship and an entrepreneurial spirit. More to the point, we’re all lifelong learners. We don’t believe that we have all the answers. There’s always something new to improve upon.”

As well, Vince confesses to a hidden X Factor to their success:

“I also make really good salsa,” Vince explains. “Sometimes I bring a bowl to practice.”

While Stone Luck has performed dozens of shows, a few stick out in their memory. One such show was a fundraiser they played at during 2015 for Transition to Betterness at the Walkerville Theatre. 

“That was a phenomenal experience,” Vince recalls. “The whole venue was completely sold out. The balcony was packed. The dance floor was full. That then lead us to open for Our Lady of Peace in Leamington at the Hogs for Hospice event. And anytime we can play our original music, it’s exciting!”

Stone Luck has several upcoming shows. Most significantly, they’ll be opening for Teaze at their 50th Anniversary at the Olde Walkerville Theatre on October 19th. 

“Mark Bradac, the guitar player of Teaze, saw a bunch of our music videos.” Vince explains. “He saw our most recent video ‘Mary Go Round’ and was impressed, so he invited us to open for them. It should be an incredible night! It’s Teaze’s first time performing together in years and we’re going to be there right alongside them!”

Stone Luck already has several gigs booked for 2025.

“I’d say we’re in the prime of our life!” Vince states. “In the meantime, we’ll be hard at work in the studio. We’ve got a lot of new and exciting things we’re trying. And we’re going to make more music videos.” 

The bandmates credit their fans with keeping them inspired throughout the creative process.

“We’ve established a really loyal following,” Vince explains. “And we’d like to thank them for all their support.”

More information about Stone Luck is available on their Facebook page ( and their YouTube page ( 

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