For almost a century, the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel have been the main crossing points between...
For almost a century, the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel have been the main crossing points between...
When you enter the ring, local fighter T.J. Laramie states, everything has a way of melting away. “You could never...
Children’s author, Pam Stradeski’s latest book, Corona Virus Came to Town, has the deceptively simple title of a fable.
“I’d always been a birder,” he explains, “and it naturally led to taking pictures of the birds and wildlife. I’ve been...
Albert Douglas is a 16-year-old entrepreneur at Vincent Massey Secondary School. He’s also the sole Owner of Benchmark...
As with many storytellers, local author Joe Ponic struggles when it comes to sharing his own tale.
“Never stop adventuring.” This was one of the last things that Kevin Moore’s mom said to him while he was living in New...
Pickleball, Malinda Hebert explains, is the fastest growing sport in North America. The game originated from Bainbridge...
For a movie so lush with striking dialogue, Suede Productions’ new feature length thriller, Depraved Mind, reveals some...
Just minutes into our interview, we knew there was something very special about Jac Cordeiro.
“When one kingdom drowns, a new one must rise in its place,” Stuart writes. “So begins the saga of that kingdom, and...
Long before the world heard of COVID-19, Windsor historian, filmmaker, and archivist, Michael Evans, took nostalgia to...
OTTAVIA LEPERA NEVER IMAGINED that her love of selfies would lead to a professional modelling career. However, at just...
Windsor Police Services’ Deputy Chief Pam Mizuno knew something was up when she was invited to St. Catholic Elementary...
Mr. Emancipation: The Walter Perry Story is an account of Windsor’s Walter Perry, whose progressive festival flourished...
For photographer Steve Biro, everything comes back to a sense of wonder. “I try to look at the world around me the way...
Local photographer, Kim Gelissen, took up the artform in 2014. The idea came while she worked as a hospital unit clerk...
For Canadian band Our Lady Peace (OLP), the boom also officially begins when their inaugural LP Naveed debuts across...
It all started with an advertisement on television. A 30-second-long video that highlighted the beauty of Canada’s...
Anyone who has met Peter Solly has no doubt he will leave his unique mark on the world.
The Matchette is a lot of things. A modern-day castle with a resort-like feel. A union of fire, water and stone. But...
The Emeryville waterfront property offered a blank, rectangular canvas of nearly one acre in size.
The communications and fund-raising career of Patti Lauzon came full circle when she accepted the role as new Executive...
Pam and Bill Seney have been travelling together since the early days of their marriage as a way to see what the world...
“The fact that this business has existed for one hundred years is truly amazing,” says Aidan Blunt, General Manager of...
Long-time radio host Lynn Martin engages with a lot of people in their homes and businesses. In her own home, she loves...
There is nothing more punk rock than finding beauty in the neglected, overlooked and under-appreciated aspects of daily...
Julia Lane began collecting a list of achievements and awards in competitive swimming in 2014, and she’s not done striving for more yet.
Some great ideas are just inevitable. That’s how it was with Oneday Dreams—there was no way it wouldn’t come into being.
Meet Tesko Chaganti, who made waves during his Grade 9 year at Vincent Massey by running thousands of simulations to come to discoveries that may eventually lead to longer, healthier lives for everyone on the planet.
Long before the world heard of COVID-19, Windsor historian, filmmaker, and archivist, Michael Evans, took nostalgia to the next level with his YouTube channel “It Happened in Windsor.”
David Garlick’s memoir, The Principal Chronicles, is more than the story of his years as a Windsor secondary school principal.
Model rocketry has been a fad that really began to take off in the 1950s and is credited with helping get generations of wide-eyed gleeful children into the science and engineering fields.