Ottavia Lepera

OTTAVIA LEPERA NEVER IMAGINED that her love of selfies would lead to a professional modelling career. However, at just...

A Whole New School of Thought

Kent Walker is a man that dwells in two worlds. On the one hand, he’s firmly rooted in academia. For the last 11 years...

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Three projects have arisen to support the mental health of those who are suffering: the University of Windsor Brief...

Paying Forward A Kindness

Beamsville-based not for profit Veteran’s Elite Canines has partnered with Kingsville dog trainer and breeder Ontario...

Theo Johnson

It’s almost impossible to believe that the nimble figure, number 84, in the college football highlight reel is six-foot...

Home With Heart

“This home was designed to feel special.”

Pandemic Portraits

“I’ve always done art,” Beth explains. “As far back as I can remember. Anyone that knows me from my childhood knows...

Sports Hall of Fame

This year’s class of inductees into the Windsor Essex County Sports Hall of Fame is impressive and it could be one of...

Last Call

How far would you go to save a stranger’s life? That’s the central question posited by Gavin Michael Booth’s feature...

Bassam Mnaymneh

On Thursday, September 19th, the sky above Windsor began to roar. From a distance, they look like swans. The planes...

Standing up for Canada

Remembering D-day 80 Years Later

Unpredictable Noir Fiction

Noir fiction comprises a marked darkness in theme and subject matter, unfolding against a backdrop of systemic and...

Russ Macklem

Master jazz man, trumpeter, composer, performer Russ Macklem says that his relationship with the trumpet had a rocky...

Around Sharp Corners

For two-time Olympian 800-metre runner Melissa Bishop-Nriagu, the finish line is never at the end of the track. It...

Indomitable Spirit

It all started with a lamb named Charlotte. Lauren Edwards is Windsor and Essex County’s own personal Doctor Dolittle...

Jeff Lemire’s Art Imitates Life

The new Netflix limited series, Sweet Tooth, begins with the words: “This is a story… a story of a very special boy…”...

Modern Lake Retreat

Looking at a waterfront lot, the homeowners contacted an architect to see what could be built.

The Matchette House

The Matchette is a lot of things. A modern-day castle with a resort-like feel. A union of fire, water and stone. But...

Gas of Tank

“The sounds of a jail brawl are unique in nature…”

Christine Vanderkooy

To speak with pianist Christine Vanderkooy is to immediately feel her love of music radiating from her being.

The Phone Number You Need To Know

At her wits’ end, Carol ran a search online: “I need help, I have someone in severe pain.”

Our Lady Peace

For Canadian band Our Lady Peace (OLP), the boom also officially begins when their inaugural LP Naveed debuts across...

Brink of Extinction

“In 2019 it was kind of a shock because we only found one Massasauga in that year."

Newfoundland and Labrador Through the Lens

It all started with an advertisement on television. A 30-second-long video that highlighted the beauty of Canada’s...

Look Who’s Cooking At Home

Readily admitting “I love to eat but I’m not someone who was gifted with the joy of cooking or really even any skill...

Teaching In Thailand

Thai Mueang, Thailand is as far from Harrow as Brittany Rocheleau has ever travelled, yet it reminds her of her...

Writing Home For The Holidays

Windsor Life checks-in with the people at the center of some of our most interesting past stories.

The Long Goodbye

Memory is a mundane mystery. When it functions, we barely notice its monumental role in our daily lives.

You Know The Game, Now Meet The Sport

Dodgeball is a game that is so universal that when life on another planet is finally discovered, it’s a near certainty...

Halloween Houses

As merrymakers get their costumes together and others buy candy to hand out, there are the hardcores among us who turn...

Transforming the Alleyway

Art has its beautiful way of inspiring us to stop, think, and reflect, and the murals down Butterfly Lane were created to do just that.

Probing Spirit

fatherhood, family, the nature of life and the role of faith in it.

The Matchette House

The Matchette is a lot of things. A modern-day castle with a resort-like feel. A union of fire, water and stone. But most significantly, the Matchette House is a dynamic union of several paradoxes.

The Many Faces of Nick Marra

After more than 30 years in Hollywood, LaSalle native, Nick Marra, is at the top of his game in a city not known for being kind to people’s dreams

Big Game of The Sea

“I’ve been fishing since I can first remember, literally, from three years old,” he said.

Movies & Drawings

Steven Clay Hunter has one pertinent piece of advice for young aspiring artists: You don’t have to be a teacher if you do not want to.

Field of Dreams

“I didn’t think I would be called up when I did. My focus has always been on being a good player. It caught me by surprise—a pleasant surprise.”